
Artificial Intelligence

Made possible by: Mehmet Alican Noyan

Mehmet Alican Noyan is the founder of Ipsumio B.V. where he combines machine learning and physics to help scientific research groups and companies solve challenging problems. Previously, he was a researcher in the field of nanotechnology, did an Industrial Ph.D. and developed a novel self-cleaning surface for Hewlett-Packard Company. He is also an education officer at FruitPunch AI, preparing and presenting AI Code, a weekly get together where people solve AI problems.

Turing award winner Jim Gray regards data science as the "fourth paradigm" of science after empirical, theoretical and computational research. In this talk, we will explore the intersection of AI and Physics. He will present how AI can reinforce physics research and where it falls short. There will be real-life examples to drive the point home.